Surviving the NHS

How Nurses Rely on Modern Tech

No one knows the NHS like nurses. They are on the front lines, working tirelessly to care for patients and keep the system running. But even nurses need a break sometimes, and when they do, they rely on modern technology to help them survive.

From noting down patient observations to providing life-saving care, nurses are now more reliant on tech than ever before. Various tech tools are available to nurses, and many are designed to make their lives easier. So, let’s understand how nurses use technology in their everyday lives.

Destressing with Virtual Reality

Nurses have stressful jobs. They often deal with death, illness, and trauma daily. It can mess with their mental health. To destress, many nurses are now using virtual reality (VR). VR provides them with a much-needed break from the surreal reality of their job. It helps them rejuvenate, so they can return to work feeling refreshed. Some practical applications of VR for nurses include relaxation techniques, educational training, and exposure therapy.

Staying Connected with Mobile Devices

In the past, nurses relied on pagers to stay connected. But now, they can use their smartphones to keep in touch with their colleagues. It is handy when nurses are on the go. Mobile apps like Huddle allow nurses to share patient information, lab results, and even x-rays with other healthcare team members. It enables them to provide better care to their patients. It also reduces the walk time and improves communication between nurses.

Save Time with Easy Documentation

Documentation is a critical aspect of nursing. Nurses have to document everything from patient observations to medication administration. This process can be pretty time-consuming, but with electronic observation systems, nurses can easily record patient observations. These systems include real-time data entry and automatic charting, which help nurses save time.

Get Better Patient Care with Wearable Tech

Wearable tech is another tool that nurses can use to provide better patient care. These devices can track various vital signs, and they also allow nurses to stay connected with patients. With wearable tech, nurses can monitor patients remotely and provide timely care. Now, nurses do not have to be present in the room to provide care, which is a huge benefit. It promotes multitasking, breaks down barriers, and leads to better patient care.

Providing Uninterrupted Assistance with Nurse Call Systems

Hospitals are busy places, regardless of their geographic location. It isn’t easy for nurses to provide uninterrupted care. However, with nurse call systems, nurses can easily stay connected with their patients while they are on the move. These systems allow patients to call nurses anytime they need assistance. They also help nurses keep track of their patients. A nurse call system improves efficiency, customer satisfaction, and patient care.

Final Thoughts

Although nurses have been around since medieval times, their role in the medical field has dramatically changed with the advent of new technology. But nurses are just as human as the rest of us; they need a break too. Thankfully, various tech tools are available that help nurses relax, make their lives easier, and provide better patient care.