Use cases for drones in a real estate area 

According to recent research, properties listed for sale with aerial photos sell 68% faster than homes without such images. Remember that aerial drone photography is critical to becoming a successful real estate agent and increasing your chances of selling your property.

Drones are an innovative solution for capturing beautiful aerial images that allow clients to understand how a building looks in its surrounding context. It is a more comfortable solution than renting a helicopter; drones will enable you to take photos that cannot be obtained in other ways.

How do real estate agents use drone imagery?

Modern photo drones are equipped with many devices, expanding their potential for aerial real estate photography. You can order a drone photo from 3dvisionservices: for various purposes, for example:

  • Exterior aerial photography: it allows you to capture your home from exciting angles and showcase nearby attractions such as the beach or pool.
  • In-room tours: a drone with a significant clarity camera will make customers feel like they’ve been inside the home as they explore listings.

These photos and videos for real estate advertisements cover the entire property spectrum, from small apartments to vast plots for commercial construction.

Tips for hiring a drone pilot

You need to work only with reliable operators to get high-quality drone photos. When choosing a specialist, we recommend taking into account the following factors:

  • Skills test: realtors should evaluate a drone service provider’s experience by looking at a photography and video work portfolio in the real estate industry. Only a professional can choose the proper lighting and angles to ensure beautiful visual effects.
  • Certified: realtors and property owners should only work with accredited pilots to avoid penalties. Such specialists know safety regulations and flight restrictions.
  • Liability insurance: although insurance is not mandatory in this industry, working with a provider with an extensive policy will protect you from accidents that result in property damage.

Drones play a crucial role in capturing what no camera or talent on the ground can capture in real estate. Aerial photography can only be done with drones, and aerial photography can play a crucial role in showcasing a property’s benefits.

About Philip Hershberger

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