5G site verification with LTE 4G Tester tools & Wifi/Wireless Site Survey Software

Assessing network prelaunch performance or site verification accurately is vital, be it rolling out a new 5G network, or expanding your network coverage footprint. When it comes to checking the network to confirm whether the network is going to deliver the promised 5G user experience, testing, and optimizing the network from your subscribers’ perspective is the foremost part to take care of. Network operators and system integrators are using certain use cases for next-generation network testing to optimize the roll-out of new 5G networks. 5G site verification is highly needed even for drone-based testing to strategic location monitoring as they all play an important role.  So, now let us see what is 5G site verification and why does it matter along with Smart 4G Tester, 4G LTE Tester, 4G Network Tester and VOLTE Testing tools & Equipment and Smart Best wireless site survey software, site survey tools for wireless networks & Wifi site survey software app in detail.

What is 5G site verification?

Site verification on 5G is something to validate that 5G sites (new) and clusters provide the anticipated coverage along with all voice and data services working fine. Site verification also ensures these services are as expected before subscribers get access to the network.

But some challenges occur during 5G site verification

  • The network deployment team generally ensures any new site that is built and well-integrated with its neighbors in the existing network and performing optimally. During site verification, the site verification team sits with the network deployment team in a mobile operator’s organization, here the challenge is complexity and scale.
  • Another challenge is comprehensive drive testing for many thousands of sites on 5G network rollouts. This means your team not only drives hundreds of thousands of miles but also is time-consuming and expensive. Further, drive testing can blow a small hole in your organization’s efforts to de-carbonize your 5G investments.
  • An accurate 5G site verification requires automated and centralized management. you can streamline the drive testing process and accelerate the acceptance of your new 5G sites by centrally defining testing routines, and identifying what to test, where to test, and how to test.

Benefits of automated 5G site verification –

  • 5G site verification with automation enables operators to experience high rates of traffic growth which means, 5G needs to be brought into service urgently in many places. 
  • 5G requires a denser network, with up to 20 times more base stations compared to 4G to run on a higher frequency which means more sites will need to be rolled out in a shorter time with rapid site verification (addressed through automation). 
  • Automation (site verification) speeds up data management, data analysis, and task and workflow management, and operators can become more proactive and more predictive and find operational efficiencies that will improve the lowest line of the network.

In addition, 5G automated site verification will provide the following benefits:

  • Improve site verification efficiency with detailed guidance for drive testers and centralized orchestration of testing projects.
  • Improve the time taken for a site verification to predict where tests should be done by automating testing routines and leveraging machine learning.
  • Reduce dependence on your skilled engineers for any kind of guidance and automation which will help anyone to do site verification.
  • Evaluate site verification in real time so that issues can be detected and corrected immediately with time-saving feature.  


The traditional approach for site verification (5G) normally requires highly skilled staff to spend hours on a site in terms of collecting data and producing a report to accept the document. Automated Site Verification solution offers a flexible and feature-rich experience for automated site acceptance that ensure consistent processes for every site verification project, reducing operational complexity. Here comes RantCell which is a mobile phone-based application through which automated site verification solution can be benefitted from your site acceptance process. RantCell tool is known for automation network testing, time-saving, remote testing, instant report generation capabilities, and so on.