Whether you are a small or big business owner, cybersecurity is still one of the top issues you may face using a digital platform. Although it is more convenient for companies to store data digitally, hackers can also access these files. Malicious users have many ways to gain access to company data, including via phishing. This is a technique that takes advantage of some employees as a gateway. This is why, there are security measures that a company takes to prevent such incidents.
What is Hacking and How Does it Happen?
Hackers are there to find weaknesses in your computer systems or networks. What they will see will be used to gain access to confidential information. This data can be used for corporate spying to identify theft, which is a risk to your business. Hackers nowadays are creative in their ways, and it can happen digitally. Hacks can also be used to plant viruses to manipulate your system. Through hacking, they can conduct activities like making bank transfers or sending data to unauthorized people.
How to Prevent Hacking
It is essential to communicate regularly with your team regarding phishing attacks. Although most people learn from these errors, it only takes one incident to make them aware of the dangers. Regular meetings on what a phishing attack could do can help prepare your team for a breach. These meetings can be reinforced by emphasizing the potential consequences of these attacks for your company’s reputation and customer security.
Aside from that, preventing is what most companies do to safeguard themselves from hacking. They used cybersecurity measures such as integrating modern tools that received FIDO2 certification to protect the organization’s data and systems.
By utilizing biometric digital signatures as well, it will help the company to secure its online transactions. FIDO2 key facilitates a digital signing scheme that uses hardware-based identity credentials and is protected against phishing attacks and man-in-the-middle attacks. By this, credentials are protected by strong cryptography and unique across websites. They never go on a server and cannot be accessed by anyone else.
To know more about this matter, you can continue reading this blog from LoginID.