Understanding the Language of Java App Development

Have you always wondered what creating the newest app for a device like Android would be like? With today’s technology, you can create endless possibilities when you understand the key components of using Java app development for your company. Using a program such as Java can be a very complex yet valuable tool, and it’s important that you understand the basic language before you begin your journey into the programming world. Java is one of the most popular tools that developers use when designing and creating mobile, web, and desktop applications for your company. You can utilize several resources to help you better understand the job that Java does and how it can help keep your company safe from possible data breaches.

The Language of Java

Before you can begin to dive into the world of programming, it is important to know how to speak the language. When it comes to developing your own mobile, web, or desktop application while using Java, there are different words that are used to describe the key components of the program that you are using. Java is a very efficient and widely used program, so it is important that you understand what the language is and what the words mean when they come up during the development of your company’s app. Important subjects to take into consideration when you are looking into Java app development will include things such as:

  • Packages
  • Objects and Classes
  • Inheritance and Interfaces
  • Strings and Numbers, Generics, Collections
  • Concurrency

You may have heard these words before when it comes to Java app development, but what exactly do they stand for? Let’s begin with what each definition of the word stands for when it comes to Java app development.


When you think of packages while talking about app development, it is best to think of a filing system. A package for Java app development is basically classes, interfaces, and sub-packages that are grouped together according to their topic. These can be defined by two categories: Built-in Packages, which are from a Java API, or a User-defined Package, which you would be able to create yourself.

Objects and Classes

When it comes to creating classes and objects in app development, this can be fairly simple compared to other vocabulary used in the app development process. When talking about classes and objects, you are referring to real-life things. For example, talking about just an apple would be an example of a class, while talking about the Granny Smith apple would indicate the object of that class. A class shares common behaviors and properties and is a sort of blueprint from which objects can be created from. The object that coincides with the class uses these attributes to create functions that will allow the user to interact with the application.

Inheritance and Interfaces

When it comes to inheritance and interfaces for the app development process, they can go hand in hand with objects and classes. Inheritance is considered one of the main principles when using or reusing an existing developer’s code for app development. A class is able to take over, or inherit, another class and its interfaces. The inheritance also allows the developer to create an entirely new class based upon the attributes of an old class by reusing certain methods that were used in creating the very first class.

The interface aspect comes in when a method is needed without the use of a body. The interface is used to help determine which methods a class should be using but not tell the class how to use that method at the same time. Due to the fact that Java doesn’t allow multiple inheritance of a class, interfaces are used to receive the same results.

Strings and Numbers, Generics, and Collections

When it comes to developing apps, a lot of data is involved, and it can be a little hard to keep track of all of it. However, certain things like strings and numbers, generics, and collections allow a type of framework to be formed to make it easier for the developer to keep track of their work as they go. The strings and numbers aspect represents the text and numerical part of the process of using Java. Using generics for Java app development can provide you with a way to achieve multiple things, such as code manageability, efficiency, and a cleaner way to code. All of these things help make up what is called a collection. The collection is the framework of the Java app development and can provide a place to store and manipulate groups of objects.


Concurrency comes in handy when you need to run multiple things at once in a program. By using threads, this can improve the performance of a program by utilizing multiple processors and allowing more tasks to run at the same time. Although concurrency can be very useful when using Java for app development, it also has its downfalls too. Your program can easily become deadlocked if you are unsure how to manage it properly, which can be a major concern.

Although the language can be difficult to understand and process, Java is one of the best programs to develop apps for your company. Java can provide a reliable and custom application designed specifically to fit your company’s needs. If your business is growing at a fast rate, then Java can keep up with the demands that your website will need to help protect your organization from any potential security threats that could occur.

Choose Confianz to Help With Your App Development

If you are new to technology and would like to find a way to develop a safe and reliable app, then Java is the program to use for your company. Java is the world’s most used program when it comes to developing certain mobile, web, and desktop applications. With Confianz, we can help you understand the process that our developers take to make sure that not only is your company’s most sensitive information secure but also any information that your customers would use on your apps as well. Our five-step process can help you get the most out of the technological advancements that are used every day in the business world. If you would like to learn more about our services, then click here to visit our website and see what our developers can do for you today!